How a diehard evolutionist used junk science to kickstart the sexual revolution 

He’s often referred to as the Father of the Sexual Revolution. But Alfred Kinsey was no saint, despite the way he’s portrayed in a dvd release this month. IAN WISHART backgrounds the real Kinsey

Back in 1948, evolutionary biologist Alfred Kinsey published a book that turned the world upside down, Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male. Kinsey followed it up five years later with Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female, and in doing so set off a media firestorm that continues to this day. In fact, as gay film director Bill Condon pointed out in publicity interviews for his film Kinsey this year, without Kinsey there would be no Playboy, no sex in the media, no sexual revolution.

What Condon doesn’t point out is there would be no gay marriage movement, and no paedophilia rights movement either. In short, Alfred Kinsey’s “groundbreaking research” is recognised by most experts as paving the way for the western culture we have today.

Kinsey’s motivation for studying human sexual behaviour and publishing the findings was ostensibly to research one of society’s hidden taboos so people could judge for themselves what was “normal”. Unofficially, however, Kinsey’s motivations were a lot less scientific and more driven by his own desire for gay sex and paedophilic pornography.

This month, Kinsey the movie is being released on DVD and video. The film flopped at the box office, but its release for home viewing will make it more accessible. So how does the movie stack up against the reality of what Kinsey was up to? Read on.

In the film, Kinsey is portrayed by actor Liam Neeson as a committed evolutionary scientist who didn’t want moral issues like love or fidelity interfering in the pure science of studying sexual behaviour. Kinsey is portrayed as being a stickler for impartial, objective scientific facts.

Granted, director Condon concedes a scene to Kinsey’s bisexuality, sleeping with a young male research assistant who then ends up sleeping with Kinsey’s wife as part of their ‘liberated’ household. Granted, also, that Condon acknowledges how Kinsey’s ‘research’ turned into staff orgies where wives and partners were swapped so Kinsey and his crew could film them, in flagrante delicto, for the purposes of figuring out how to make women achieve orgasm and other ‘scientific’ niceties.

In the film, Condon refers briefly to the moral pain of Kinsey’s pursuit of scientific free sex, by showing the strain on his researchers’ marriages and indeed on his own family (his son practically disowned Kinsey).

But overall, the film version of Kinsey remains a sugar-coated, great evolutionist, ‘all hail the man of science who gave us sexual tolerance and freedom’ hagiography reinforcing Kinsey’s sexual myths and fantasies.

Here’s the reality of Kinsey’s research. Kinsey cruised gay bars, prisons, brothels and other less salubrious locations to find suitable interviewees for his sexual behaviour study, because most eligible American men were overseas fighting in World War 2. Unsurprisingly, his published research then purported to have discovered that between 10 and 37% of American males were gay or bisexual. As studies in the past decade have established, the real incidence of homosexuality in the wider community is less than 1%, but Kinsey used his false data to assert that homosexuality was entirely normal in the human species. Similarly, he published extensive data on adults having sex with children, and likewise determined that this was a “natural” process because children were “naturally” sexual creatures.

Bill Condon’s film makes a glancing reference to the paedophilia issue in a scene where Kinsey interviews a sexual psychopath who claimed to have had sex with or raped more than 9,000 men and women between 1917 and 1948, including more than a thousand pre-pubescent children, and hundreds of animals as well. Although the movie portrays Kinsey as disapproving of anyone being forced to have sex, Condon is rewriting history.

According to Kinsey researcher Judith Reisman, the world’s first sexologist used paedophiles to collect data on their ‘experiments’ on children. Not one child but certainly hundreds and possibly thousands. “Kinsey’s study claimed young boys could orgasm, and in his book cited the children's "screams," their "convulsions," their "hysterical weeping," "fighting" and "striking the partner (adult)" which are judged by Kinsey as reflecting "definite pleasure from the situation," writes Reisman.

The Kinsey study has been used to support the contention that sexual activity in children is natural and healthy and should not be repressed. It has also been used by the North American Man Boy Love Association – which hit the headlines in NZ recently over gay bookstore owner Jim Peron’s alleged advocacy in favour of child sex – to support their own calls for lowering the ages of sexual consent with children.

But Reisman, in a statement countering the release of Kinsey, wrote:

"Kinsey’s data are based on reports from co-workers who sexually abused more than 300 minors to prove that children 'enjoy' sex with pedophiles. Some of the victims were only 2 months old and subjected to more than 24 hours of non-stop sexual atrocities. One Kinsey contributor was a WWII Nazi officer. His young victims had to choose between rape or the gas chamber."

That officer was "Dr. Fritz von Balluseck”.

In 1998, a British Yorkshire TV documentary, Kinsey's Paedophiles, revealed that Kinsey’s links to the former Gestapo director were discovered when von Balluseck was placed on trial for the sex-slaying of  a little girl in 1956. German newspapers covering the case found letters from Alfred Kinsey thanking the paedophile for his regular reports on his ‘experiments’ with children. Apparently Kinsey’s correspondence with the Nazi continued right up until 1954. Kinsey’s encouragement of the man’s ‘experiments’ undoubtedly led to the child’s grisly death.

Kinsey in one letter warned the Nazi to “watch out” in case he got caught, but to keep sending the data.

None of this is covered in the movie.

So what are the implications of Kinsey’s work for modern society?

Firstly, as the movie itself correctly shows, back in the 1930s there was no data at all on how often people had sex, what positions, who with or any of the other myriad pop-psychology questions that are now run of the mill in women’s magazines. In a biography published on the website gayhistory.com, Andrew Wikholm writes, “Kinsey, an ardent atheist, considered most of what he read about sex prudish because it was based on traditional ‘Judaeo-Christian’ ethics he considered repressive.”

In other words, Kinsey set out to conduct a study that would reinforce his own liberal attitudes to sexuality, not because of pure scientific motives but because of his atheism and his belief in the Darwinian view that humans were merely animals and morality was repressive.

New Zealand gay activist and atheist fundamentalist Chris Banks, a one-time Queer Nation host, positively fizzes at the bung in his praise of the Kinsey movie earlier this year, for precisely the same reasons:

“Dr Albert (sic) Kinsey is a landmark American figure in gay/lesbian history, as one of the first scientific voices to lend evidential weight to debunk claims that homosexuality was abnormal…he was a social and sexual liberal in a time of stifling puritanic conservatism. And, as the film shows, he was one of the first to debunk Christian junk science and replace it with solid evidence about real human behaviour.”

Presumably Chris Banks would endorse Kinsey’s logic, depicted in the movie, that if it happens it must be natural and therefore “not abnormal”. Using that same definition, paedophilia should be legal, along with bestiality and even cannibalism.

But what if Kinsey’s research was actually wrong? What if the so-called sexual liberation he claimed to have found was in fact a phenomenon he created, the result of the study being skewed by his many interviews with paedophiles and gays (reflecting his own personal biases)? What if Kinsey’s reports, being the admitted only studies of their kind, in effect set the agenda: telling the people that a certain set of activities is so normal that everyone’s doing it, and sooner or later it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as people rush to try what Kinsey claimed everyone else was doing anyway?

That’s why Chris Banks’ appeals to Christian “junk science” are themselves specious – up until Kinsey there was no science on the issue, one way or the other. And to use Kinsey as evidence that homosexuality is normal and widespread is likewise to accept that paedophilia is a normal sexual activity, as Kinsey implied it was.

Except that, fifty years later, we now know Kinsey’s research was Darwinian “junk science” that today has been largely discredited in subsequent studies.

For example, the incidence of homosexuality. While Banks is approving of Kinsey’s “solid evidence” proving homosexuality rates of 10% to 37%, Kinsey was so far from being accurate it wasn’t funny. The biggest sexuality study since Kinsey is Sexual Behaviour in Britain, published in 1994 and based on interviews with 20,000 men and women. It found that true homosexual orientation was limited to 0.6% in men, and a staggeringly low 0.1% in women. Ninety percent of people claiming to be gay, the study found, are actually just uninhibited bisexuals when push comes to shove. But when you consider that Labour’s Homosexual Law Reform Bill in 1986 was pushed through on the strength of publicity campaigns quoting Kinsey’s mythical 10% figure, it is easy to see the impact of Kinsey’s evolutionary junk science on popular culture.

The poisonous Kinseyisms also live on in the New Zealand education system. Our sex education curricula is largely based on the falsified data in the Kinsey report. The Auckland sexual abuse HELP Foundation is currently touting a “Keeping Ourselves Safe” programme in daycare centres in the region. Among the gems from this taxpayer-assisted programme, under the heading “Common sexual behaviour among two year olds” is the answer, “they masturbate”. The same answer is given for three, four and five year olds. The HELP Foundation apparently doesn’t make a distinction between twiddling with your bits or vaguely exploring while you are bored as a child, and full blown sexual masturbation. Traced to its roots, the 1994 book Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia by Vern and Bonnie Bullough tells readers:

“Kinsey reported that 32% of boys two to 12 months old were able to reach climax. One boy of 11 months had ten climaxes in an hour and another of the same age had 14 climaxes in 38 minutes.”

Human Sexuality also reports that babies get “turned on” by sucking their mother’s breasts, and that parents who don’t educate their children sexually at an early age are “inhibited”, having “an implicit goal of keeping dormant the young child’s pervasive curiosity and imitativeness, postponing the onset of sexual self-gratification, and limiting sexual activity.”

The way that “inhibited” parents achieved this terrible end was this gem of a paragraph:

“The family attempts to govern how, when and how many of the ‘facts of life’ the child learns. As part of the conspiracy of silence, parents maintain a secrecy and privacy concerning their own sexual activity…as aids to sexual control in the home (eg, closed bedroom doors, separate sleeping arrangements for each child, separate bathing, and early modesty training).”

The Kinsey research on child sexuality is also the basis of claims in the 2003 parenting bestseller Mothers & Sons: Raising Boys to be Men, which criticises “inhibited” parents of yesteryear and urges parents to embrace the fact that we now know “male and female babies…have orgasms” as part of an entirely natural process of child sexuality.

Neither the encyclopedia nor the bestseller point out, as Judith Reisman has done, that the only ‘scientific’ study in the world is the Kinsey one, and Kinsey obtained his data this way:

“Kinsey had 317 to 2,024 children timed with stop-watches by his hired and volunteer child rapists who sodomized and digitally and genitally assaulted the children for 24 hours around the clock to get what the rapists’ called infant ‘orgasms’,” says Reisman. “[See] Table 34 from Kinsey’s book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (p. 180) in which he claims his 5 month old victim had three ‘orgasms’, although the rapists didn’t provide the “time involved.” This is the source of the phoney “orgasm” data being cited by sexuality “experts” nationwide.

“Oh, what was the “orgasm” the little five month old had? Well the children, he said, screamed, some fainted, many of the “younger” ones wept “hysterically” and struck their “partner” (page 161, recording the adult rapists). But not to worry. Kinsey, who had a habit of sexually torturing himself, called the children’s terror and pain “orgasm.” For “orgasm” for Kinsey was pain. His Kinsey Institute biographer, James Jones, testified that Kinsey circumcised himself with a knife in a bathtub without anesthetic.”

So what do we call mad bisexual ‘scientists’ like Kinsey, supported by apologists like gaynz.com’s Chris Banks, who conduct monstrous paedophilic experiments on two month old babies? We make movies about them and call them heroes of the sexual revolution.

If you watch the Kinsey DVD, bear in mind that not only is its director a gay activist, but exec producer Francis Ford Coppola is also close to convicted paedophile film director Victor Salva who was found guilty of sodomising 12 year old boys on a joint Coppola/Salva film production. After his release from jail, Coppola immediately rehired Salva to direct what critics described as another ‘homoerotic teen flick”.

Also bear in mind that the 2005 movie was bankrolled by the Ford Foundation, which had earlier agreed to fund a PR campaign for the Kinsey Institute to try and repair its battered and discredited image. In other words, Kinsey is little more than part of a public brainwashing exercise.

The Kinsey Institute, incidentally, denies that its founder was a paedophile, despite the testimony of a number of people and the detailed nature of the data that Kinsey published. On its website, the Institute claims Kinsey never asked paedophiles to experiment on children or time their ‘orgasms’ with stopwatches. The Institute also emphatically denies that thousands of children were abused, citing only the 317 that Kinsey’s report alluded to. However, contrast those denials with admissions by Kinsey associate Dr Paul Gebhard in 1992 that paedophiles were told to use stopwatches “at our suggestion . . . we would ask them [paedophiles] to watch it, and take notes, and . . . report back to us.”

And on the Donahue TV show, former Kinsey photographer Dr C A Tripp told the audience “Kinsey would only listen to ‘responsible pedophiles’ who used stop watches to time their thing.”

Intriguingly, all four directors of the Kinsey Institute throughout its history have made totally contradictory statements about what went on. None, however, has released the names of the hundreds of victims of the paedophilia experiments to authorities, even though many are still likely to be alive – the youngest in their fifties.

Commentator Michael Craven, writing on the controversy recently, noted that the full scale of paedophilic experiments was verified by a Masters & Johnson scientific report back in 1980:

“In Ethical Issues in Sex Therapy, Volume II (1980), influential sexologists Masters, Johnson, Kolodny, and Weems present a series of papers reprising the history of the research on the "Ethics of Sex Research Involving Children and the Mentally Retarded." One important essay by Albert Jonsen and J. Mann, states that Kinsey "included observational reports on the speed of reaching orgasm in 1,888 boys, ages 5 months to adolescence, who were timed with a stop watch," and "147 pre-adolescent girls, for a total of 2,035 children. The authors cite their "personal communication" with Kinsey and co-author Wardell Pomeroy, who validated the 1,888 boys in the Kinsey reports.”

As for the movie, the public, in the US at least, voted with their feet. The movie took only US$9 million at the box office (it cost $10 million to make).

Finally, look at the evidence. Although Bill Condon’s puff piece portrays Christians as prudish idiots objecting to the progress of Kinsey’s science, the reality is that many of Kinsey’s fiercest opponents were other left wing thinkers who could smell the fraud. Additionally, a sexual abstinence campaign introduced in 1950 saw STD rates plummet to only 3.9 cases per 100,000 people by 1957.

Kinsey was appalled at the abstinence campaign, and called for comprehensive sex education and contraceptive advice for children. His advice was followed in the US and later New Zealand by Planned Parenthood and its NZ affiliate, the Family Planning Association.

By 2000, 52 years after Kinsey’s sexual revolution was launched, US gonorrhea rates alone had skyrocketed to 589.8 cases per 100,000 men, and 656.6 cases per 100,000 women, and that was in the 20 to 24 age group only, let alone everyone else.

In the 1950s, children did not appear in the STD statistics, and only around 10,000 adults were found to have sexual diseases during an entire year. Today – as WorldNetDaily reports - 8,000 teenagers in the US contract an STD every day of the week. In the US, every year, there are 70,000 new incidents of syphilis; 650,000 gonorrhea; 64,000 HIV; three million Chlamydia; five million trichomoniasis; one million genital herpes; 5.5 million human papillomavirus (genital warts, can lead to cervical cancer).

Additionally, there are a further 20 or so other STDs that afflict modern society. In Kinsey’s day, it was just gonorrhea and syphilis.

So much for Kinsey’s claim that freeing up sexuality was the only way to improve the ‘appalling’ STD rates of 3.9 cases per 100,000 people.

But never mind. Like the safe sex myth that condoms will protect against STDs, the Kinsey myths about human sexual behaviour will continue to indoctrinate young people as long as there are liberal media outlets who keep ignoring the facts, and people like Chris Banks prepared to promote Kinsey’s junk science as reality.

Oh, and here’s the real kicker. In the movie, Kinsey is portrayed as falling ill because of the hounding he got from horrible fundamentalist Christians. In fact, Kinsey fell ill from the venereal disease orchitis, his health gradually worsening until he was finally killed by a heart attack in 1956.

Kinsey, R16, contains sex scenes, 113 minutes